
SAW Symposium Chairman:

SAW Symposium organisation contact:

Organizing committee:

  • Hagen Schmidt    (IFW Dresden, SAWLab Saxony)
  • Siegfried Menzel     (IFW Dresden, SAWLab Saxony)
  • Steffen Zietzschmann     (SAW Components Dresden)
  • Frieder Birkholz     (SAW Components Dresden)
  • Isabel Dietrich     (Silicon Saxony)



Responsible for contents

  • Leibniz Institute for Solid State and Materials Research Dresden
    (IFW Dresden)
    Helmholtzstraße 20
    01069 Dresden
    Germany/ Europe
    Tel.: + 49 351 46 59 – 0
    Fax: + 49 351 46 59 – 540
    Prof. Dr. Bernd Büchner, Scientific Director
    Juliane Schmidt, Administrative Director
    Register: VR Dresden Nr.: 1369
    UID: DE 140 303 135


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Privacy policy

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Important Dates

Abstract submission opens
April 3, 2023

Abstract submission deadline
June 5, 2023

Notification of acceptance
June 27, 2023

Early bird registration deadline
August 1, 2023

Exhibition registration deadline
August 25, 2023

Sponsorship deadline
August 25, 2023

Regular registration deadline
September 7, 2023

Presentation submission
September 14, 2023

SAW Symposium 2023
September 21 – 22, 2023

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